Become Your Mentor

The person you see in the image below is my mentor – Bob Proctor.

According to me, he is the #1 Law Of Attraction Coach in the world.

I was introduced to the world of Law of Attraction with the very famous movie “The Secret” and I was immediately influenced by his energy, enthusiasm and mastery over the subject.

I have read most of his books, blogs, trainings, videos and have also gone through many of his workshops.

People always ask me – How did you develop the Coaching Skills you have right now?

Today, I will reveal my secret – It is because of my mentor Bob Proctor’s guidance that I am here right now.

His books and workshops taught me everything about how to use the principles of Law of Attraction to change my life and he inspired me to teach this to others to achieve results.

I am just using the same principles he has taught me and used it to help my clients. No surprise there that it worked.
Even though I have not met him physically, ever since I first encountered him, I wanted to become like him.

Most people invest in mentors because they want to learn from the mentor.

I think that’s a mistake – Pick a Mentor & invest in them so that you can one day become your mentor.

Your quality of thoughts, strategies, knowledge, tools, and skills will be directly proportional to the quality of your mentor.
That’s the secret to success – Choose the right mentor and your success is guaranteed.

P.S. What do you think? Am I right? Let me know in the comments.