3 Keys to Tune Yourself To Money Frequency

Attracting Abundance Preeti Kamath

If there is one problem all clients, it’s this:- they learn a lot of different “Manifestation Methods” but they are not able to convert those methods into actual manifestations, that is Money.

I received a personal message from a client telling me that he learned 20 different types of “Manifestation Methods’ from a famous teacher but was not able to convert even a single of those methods into results.

See, in today’s world of Free videos, teaching “Manifestation Methods” is the easiest part.

But, converting “Manifestation Methods” into “Results (Money)” is the actual skill you need to master if you want to be in this game for long.

The way to do is this is pretty simple: You need to understand that the “Manifestation Methods” do not have any significance or power if you don’t have the right “Mindset”

Let me show some of the examples:-Practicing Gratitude as a checkbox activityVisualizing but not focusingMeditating but not feeling calm

When you understand that the magic is in the “Mindset” and not your “Manifestation Methods”, you need to focus on working on your “Mindset”.

The Winning Mindset is one where you understand

*Where the source of all Manifestations is

*How to tap into that powerHow to get aligned

*How to get rid of the limiting beliefs

This way, you will never have a problem converting “Manifestation Methods” into Results.

So, stop seeing “Manifestation Methods” as simply methods but start seeing them as a means to get to the result by first developing the “Mindset”

P.S. For God’s sake, don’t do any kind of Manifestation methods until you master the art of developing the right Mindset.You are wasting a lot of time and money if you do that!