The Dots Always Connect

Preeti Kamath

The dots always connect I am going to take you through the journey of How I started my Law of Attraction Coaching Business and the story starts 12 years ago.

Many people here ask me “when” did I get into Law of Attraction Coaching and “how” I am able to get such great results for myself, my clients and students. Well, it’s a long story that goes back to 2008.

I was 22 then, working as a Digital Marketer in one of the top software companies in the world. I was introduced to the concept of Law of Attraction by a colleague who had manifested a life partner of her dreams. I started exploring it on my own and understood the immense potential and the “Magic” of this powerful concept. I felt like I had been blessed with a “Secret.”

I made a decision. This knowledge must be shared so that everyone can benefit from this. I decided to become a Coach myself and teach other people how to use the power of their minds to achieve their dreams and their desires.

I come from a middle-class background and none of my parents or grandparents were business owners or coaches. I didn’t have any clue how I would achieve this goal.

And, still, something told me that this is what my life is going to be about.

At this time, during one of my doodling sessions, I drew the picture very much like the one I have attached to this post. It was a picture of me with the words Coach written under my name. This image has stuck with me in my mind deep inside.

Every step I took and didn’t take was because of this “Image”.

Using the Law of Attraction, I manifested my dream of moving to the US. There, I spent a lot of time exploring, learning and perfecting my understanding of this field. I started to invest a majority of the money I earned with my job into courses, books and taking risks that will take me closer to my “Image”.

After I had moved from the US back to India, one of my close friends and guide, Jay, suggested I start a Youtube channel to help people and to share my learning. At this time, I didn’t have any experience with making videos.

Through the last 6 months of trial and error and support from Jay, I created the Attracting Abundance Youtube Channel.

As the channel grew, I was able to offer courses, programs, and coaching through which I have successfully helped 1000s of people lead a positive life and achieve their goals. The happiest moments of my day are when clients send me a message on how I have had an impact on their life.

My dream of helping people is finally coming true. And this just the beginning.

The reason I wanted to tell this story is this:- When your “Why” and “What” is clear, your “How” and “When” will take care of themselves. I really didn’t know if I would be coaching people on mindset to achieve goals 12 years back.

I didn’t have the skills, talent and the ability I have right now.

But the “Image” is what made me risk thousands of dollars in completing courses and programs from my mentors. The 5 years I spent in the US learning from mentors is where I was exposed to new ideas and concepts and its what contributes to the knowledge I have right now and leads to my clients’ success as well.

The dots always connect even if it doesn’t seem so right now.

The dots always connect even if it doesn’t seem so right now.

I am a living example.

Let me know what you think of my life story.